This post is all about transitions and was the inspiration for my painting with the same title.
We’ve all learned a lot during the COVID times, haven’t we?
We learned that you can’t be certain about anything, almost. We learned that our connections to people, family and home are priceless. We learned that you don’t have to go to an office to get your work done, and that the world keeps spinning evenly, even when we slow down, or speed up. We appreciate little things more and what seemed important a year ago, just doesn’t anymore.
But here’s the thing:
There are many things in this life that we can count on, and one of those is the transition from summer to autumn, to winter, spring, and back to summer again – my favorite! But we have to weather the winter, in order to get to the summer. I used to dread the end of summer, because all I could think of was no more beach, sun, fresh food, warm sunshine. But I was so busy focusing on the negative, that I didn’t stop to appreciate the positive. The warm fall days ahead, the vibrant color as nature changes before our eyes, the comfort foods! And then, the spirit of the holiday season and the chance to gather with family and friends and give. Even those dreaded months, of January, February, and March, I can look forward to my annual trip to the Caribbean.
So, this year, I decided to celebrate all the transitions, and look closely for something my grandmother always said, “Each and every day has a reason to smile, and a lesson to be learned.” And I’ve approached my painting the same way. Sometimes the paint wins, and sometimes I win! When the paint wins, I learn something, when I win…I paint something of beauty that makes me smile, and hopefully earns the same reaction from you.
Enjoy the journey and be well!