Fresh Start!
The holidays are over, and January is full of expectations for resolutions and assessments. We reflect on the past year: what we did right and what needs improvement. We give ourselves a grade of sorts and use that to set new intentions for the coming year. We restate our goals and make plans to achieve them. We put these ideas and concepts on a vision board to remind us as we travel. This year, as I reflect on my journey in 2021, my mind goes to my art.
The creative outlet of painting brings me both joy and peace. The process helps me let go and makes me move forward. I am a person that finds comfort in routine, but painting is the beautiful ripple in that routine! It reaches inside me, pulls me out of my comfort zone, and prods me to take risks.
Sometimes we can only find our true direction
when we let the wind of change carry usMimi Novic
The same is true of life: While there are elements of my life that I’d change if I could, I’m learning the difference between what I can control, and what I can’t. Just like the paint on the canvas that I can to some extent control, but in the end, the process of fluid art is spontaneous. You learn that whatever happens is what is supposed to happen, and can have value and be beautiful, or be a lesson to learn from. Either outcome is worthwhile.
I hope that each of you reading this blog has something in your life that brings you joyful energy, as painting does for me. I hope that in your busy lives, of caring for your families, and tending to work responsibilities, that you stop occasionally; play, create and let go – even just for a short while. If you’ve been part of my artistic journey in a paint class, or from a purchased piece, I thank you so much for your support. It means the world to me, to be part of your journey in this way.
Thank you and Happy New Year!